Public health policies play a crucial role in shaping the well-being of individuals, communities, and entire societies. Public Health policies are instrumental in addressing various health challenges, preventing disease, promoting healthy behaviours, and reducing health disparities. The impacts of public health policies are far-reaching and multifaceted, affecting numerous aspects of our lives and society.

Effective, evidence-based policies are essential for creating healthier, more resilient societies. We invite contributions for Public Health related policies, submissions, bills and legislation as we continue to act as advocates for public health policy statements and submissions.

Here are some key ways in which we contribute to public health policy impacts on well-being:

Disease Prevention and Control

Public health policies provide the framework for disease prevention and control measures such as vaccinations, screenings and disease surveillance. These policies help to reduce the spread of infectious diseases and contribute to the overall health of the population.

Health Promotion

Public health policies promote healthy behaviours and lifestyles through education, awareness campaigns and regulations. For example, policies on tobacco control have significantly reduced smoking rates in many countries.

Access to Healthcare

Policies relating to healthcare access, insurance and affordability impact individuals' ability to receive necessary medical care. Expanding healthcare coverage and reducing barriers to access are critical aspects of public health policy.

Environmental Health

Policies relating to air and water quality, waste management and environmental regulations have a direct impact on public health. Clean environments contribute to lower rates of disease and better overall health.

Health Equity

Public health policies aim to reduce health disparities among different population groups. Policies that address social determinants of health, such as income inequality and access to education, can have a profound impact on health equity.

Mental Health Support

Public health policies increasingly recognise the importance of mental health. Policies related to mental health services, awareness and stigma reduction are critical in supporting mental well-being.

Emergency Preparedness

Policies relating to emergency preparedness and response are essential for handling public health crises such as pandemics, natural disasters and bioterrorism threats.

Research and Innovation

Public health policies often support research and innovation in healthcare and prevention. This research can lead to the development of new treatments, therapies and public health strategies.

Global Health Diplomacy
International public health policies and agreements have a significant impact on global health. Collaborative efforts on issues such as infectious disease control and access to medicines can improve health outcomes worldwide.

Economic Impact

Public health policies can have economic ramifications, both positive and negative. For example, investments in preventive health measures can lead to long-term cost savings, while health crises can strain healthcare systems and economies.

Safety Regulations

Policies that ensure the safety of food, water and consumer products protect the public from hazards and contaminants. These regulations are essential for preventing outbreaks and ensuring product safety.

Below are our most recent submissions:


National Office

  • PHANZ Asian Caucus Submission

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Below are our previous years’ submissions:


National Office


National Office

Branch Submissions


National Office


National Office