
The Public Health Association of New Zealand (PHANZ) is the professional organisation for public health practitioners and researchers in New Zealand. The PHANZ has several regional branches that serve as a support network and ‘voice’ for the region. These branches help connect public health professionals across the country, facilitate networking, and organise regional events and activities.

For more information about our branches and how you can get involved:


The PHANZ caucus groups are formed by members with common interests, expertise or affiliations related to specific public health issues or populations. The purpose of these caucus groups is to provide a platform for members to connect, collaborate and advocate on specific topics or areas within public health.

For more information about our branches and how you can get involved:

Member Special Interest Groups

Special interest groups (SIGs) are national groups organised by the PHANZ members to focus on a particular public health issue.

The PHANZ currently has one active working group on Institutional Racism:

If you’re interested in forming your own special interest group, please contact the National Office at admin@pha.org.nz.

We will help you get started and put you in touch with other like-minded members.